If you have a current, accurate, sex-positive, and inclusive resource you would like to submit, please email We are looking for resources for educating providers and PrEP users, for all countries and in all languages. We welcome your suggestions!

World Health Organization: PrEP Training Modules
PrEP Users, Clinical, Community Educators and Advocates, Counselors, Leaders, Monitoring and Evaluation, Pharmacists, Regulatory Officials, Site Planning, Strategic Planning, and Testing Providers
UNAIDS statement on PrEP
From the #HIVPrevention World AIDS Day Campaign
Global Forum on MSM and HIV
The advocacy network focused on full sexual health and human rights for Men who have sex with Men worldwide
International HIV/AIDS Organizations (The Body)
The Body’s list of HIV/AIDS organizations in 53 countries + regions and 5 languages
Resources by Country is a worldwide directory of PrEP providers. is brought to you with love from Our mission is to promote access to PrEP.